🔗 Installation ⤴️

🔗 Test connecting by IP address ⤴️

$ notebrew status
❌ notebrew is not currently running on port 6444
port          = 6444
cmsdomain     = localhost:6444
contentdomain = localhost:6444
cdndomain     = <not configured>
imgcmd        = <not configured>
maxminddb     = <not configured>
database      = <not configured>
files         = /root/notebrew-files
captcha       = <not configured>
smtp          = <not configured>
proxy         = <not configured>
To configure notebrew's settings, run `notebrew config`.
$ notebrew config port

$ notebrew config port 80

$ notebrew config port
$ notebrew status
❌ notebrew is not currently running on port 80
port          = 80
cmsdomain     = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
contentdomain = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
cdndomain     = <not configured>
imgcmd        = <not configured>
maxminddb     = <not configured>
database      = <not configured>
files         = /root/notebrew-files
captcha       = <not configured>
smtp          = <not configured>
proxy         = <not configured>
dns           = <not configured>
certmagic     = /root/t/certmagic
IPv4          = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
IPv6          = xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx
domains       = 
managing      = 
To configure notebrew's settings, run `notebrew config`.
$ notebrew
notebrew is running on http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/files/

🔗 Enable user accounts ⤴️

$ notebrew config database
# == database keys == #
# Refer to `notebrew config` on how to get and set config values.
# dialect         - Database dialect (possible values: sqlite, postgres, mysql).
# filePath        - File path to the sqlite file (if dialect is sqlite).
# user            - Database user.
# password        - Database password.
# host            - Database host.
# port            - Database port.
# dbName          - Database name.
# params          - Database-specific connection parameters (see https://example.com for more info).
# maxOpenConns    - Max open connections to the database (0 means unset, default is unlimited).
# maxIdleConns    - Max idle connections to the database (0 means unset, default is 2).
# connMaxLifetime - Connection max lifetime. e.g. 5m, 10m30s
# connMaxIdleTime - Connection max idle time. e.g. 5m, 10m30s
  "dialect": "",
  "filePath": "",
  "user": "",
  "password": "",
  "host": "",
  "port": "",
  "dbName": "",
  "params": {},
  "maxOpenConns": 0,
  "maxIdleConns": 0,
  "connMaxLifetime": "",
  "connMaxIdleTime": ""
$ notebrew config database.dialect sqlite

🔗 Configuring your domain name ⤴️

🔗 Configuring HTTPS ⤴️

🔗 Run Notebrew in the background ⤴️